Monday, December 28, 2009

Question for those of faith.

Typically when speaking to someone about being alone, either in their room or outdoors, you usually get the same reaction. Most people, of faith or not, will admit to being scared when they are all by themselves. So I’m wondering, do people of faith feel afraid if they’re alone? Not of physical, worldly things, like spiders or snakes, but of demons, poltergeists, or ghosts that would posses a human body or spirit. Here’s why I ask.

People of faith usually believe that a God –or several Gods -- is constantly with them or watching over them. Agnostics may have arguable exceptions. Speaking of those who believe that a God is with them and watching over them at all times, do or can you feel fear from apparitions that would posses your body or soul?

This question presented another question for me. Do those who believe that God is always with them also feel that God is a part of them, weather physically or in spirit? Such as does God occupy, in some biological form or physical image, your body or perhaps your soul. Your spark of life if you will.

Here’s why I wondered. Is it possible for a body or soul to contain both the light of God and the evil of the Devil?

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